Since Malaysia is one of the twelve mega-biologically diverse countries in the world, it comes as no surprise to hear that the natural wilderness lends itself ideally to ecotourism.

Go the distance at Malaysia Sea Sports
Go the distance at Malaysia Sea Sports

Here, you can immerse yourself in the various types of landscapes, from dense at times undulating rain forest jungle to mangroves, grasslands, rocky outcroppings, as well as the endless stretches of beach and still largely unexplored marine habitats.

Experience our coast's natural tranquillity
Experience our coast's natural tranquillity

In fact, there is really no more striking place in the world than this unique virtually untouched natural treasure to experience exotic flora and fauna in their pristine environment.

What's more, this site is just a stone's throw away from Endau-Rompin State Park, which, at 130 million years old, is not only the world's oldest rain forest, but home to the elusive Sumatran Rhino too.

One of Malaysia's 15,000 species of flowering plants
One of Malaysia's 15,000 species of
flowering plants

Come bird-watching, caving, rock-climbing, river cruising, white-water rafting or scubadiving at Malaysia Sea Sports. You are guaranteed breathtaking sights; whether it's the countless rainbow-plumed bird species, the spectacular firefly pyrotechnics that need to be seen to be believed, or the untouched paradise islands, there are visual delights for all travelers.

Nature ... the great escape
Nature ... the great escape

It'll be a trip of a lifetime!

Call or Whatsapp our hotline: +6014 822 7742 for more details.

Malaysia Sea Sports, wild and wonderful
Malaysia Sea Sports, wild and wonderful

Note: while promoting the natural attractions in the country, the Malaysian Government, a signatory to the Rio Summit in 1992, realises the importance of sustainable tourism and of balancing conservation and development. As such, the Malaysian Ministry of Tourism, has adopted the National Ecotourism Plan to provide policies and guidelines for the conscientious development of ecotourism.

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