Be the first to explore Tioman's Mystery Mountain!
Towering over 1038 meters high, the often cloud-shrouded and extinct volcano Gunung Kajang is not only Tioman's highest mountain, but it's also the highest mountain of any island off Peninsular Malaysia's East Coast.
The ever-watchful eyes of Gunung Kajang's towering twin peaks |
Gunung Kajang is so remote and inaccessible that it can be regarded as the mountain where time stood still, a throwback to hundreds, perhaps thousands of years ago, an untamed, as yet mostly unseen patch of the world, where to this day discoveries are waiting to be made.
Prehistoric-looking creatures abound in this jungle |
In fact, the mountain is so untraveled, indeed
unexplored, that most of its sectors have no tracks at all and expeditions can only be made with a highly experienced and qualified ranger, such as Mr. Iwan (above).
Almost perpetually dark jungle of Gunung Kajang |
Interested in coming along on our exploratory expedition of Gunung Kajang this ? Book your slot
Carnivorous pitcher plants containing hapless victims |
Gunung Kajang, also known as Palm Frond Mountain has been used as a navigational aid by seafarers for centuries and is mentioned in early Arab and Chinese sailing charts.
Gunung Kajang's primary forest and water fall |
Biologists have been fascinated by Gunung Kajang for decades. The reason is the evolutionary isolation of the island, as well as its volcanic past, and in particular the effect its violent geological history has had on Tioman's native flora and fauna - the Darwinian Galapagos effect.
Nocturnal shot of a soaring Colugos |
Many species of plants and animals on Tioman have become marked off-shoots from their cousins on the mainland. They've become distinct species altogether, now only found on this primary rainforest-covered mountain and nowhere else in the world.
Several new species of snails, frogs, reptiles and snakes have recently been dicovered in this remote and very dense jungle that have been classified as unique Gunung Kajang species.
Massive boulders are strewn all over the jungle floor |
Other highly elusive animals you may catch a glimpse of when scaling the mountain, that is, if you're quiet, patient and lucky enough, are Colugos, a primitive tree-dwelling mammal that can glide up to 100 meters, as well as porcupines and even a nocturnal species of rare mouse deer. Sporadic observations of wolverines have been documented too.
A scene straight out of a Tarzan movie |
As a matter of fact, over the years there have been enough persistent sightings by members of the local Tioman population of larger predator-like animals to at least suspect the existence on the mountain of one or more as yet unknown species of carnivores.
Hacking a path through the thick jungle |
In addition, Gunung Kajang is also said to be home to the one-of-a-kind Rafflesia flower, a claim we'll hopefully be substantiating during our exploration expedition this
. Logistics for this expedition are in full swing, so if you'd like to book your slot, enter your details
Scaling a sheer root lattice-covered monolith |
Now you can come face to face with Gunung Kajang and all its mystery. We've put together a unique and unforgettable 3Day/2Night package for this
that covers each and every exciting aspect of Mystery Mountain Gunung Kajang, from jungle trekking to mountain-climbing through to ecotourism and jungle camping.
Reaching the summit at 1038 meters |
Our professional guide will help us find our way to the summit and stay out of trouble. That said, we'll also need to make use of our personal navigational skills and handheld GPS. It doesn't get any more adventurous than this, folks!
For more details or to book your slot,
submit this form.
Please note: The Gunung Kajang ascent is quite demanding, due to the
various challenges that we'll face, so you will need a fair degree of fitness and resilience to be able to successfully reach its summit. But given the above, you'll agree that the rewards will be more than worth it!
To avoid disappointment, we suggest you book as early as possible for this exploration, because it'll be restricted to a maximum of just 10 trekkers. (We currently have 3 slots remaining.)
Cost for this unique expedition is $450 SGD p.p. This includes:
- return ferry tickets from Mersing to Tioman
- fully qualified ranger/nature guide
- accommodation (base-camp)
- bearers to help carry our equipment up the mountain.
- Not included is your transport to Mersing and meals.
The other exciting draws of Gunung Kajang are its summit caves and nippy crystal clear nights. Once you're reaching its peak, you'll definitely feel the almost chilly freshness in the air, as temperatures can dip to 15 degrees or less. An experience you won't forget for a while.
The icing on the cake: a spectacular display of an almost milky night-sky and regular shooting stars that you'll likely to be able to see from our mountain peak vantage point.
Book now and receive a handsome trailblazing 5% discount.